
زندگي به شرط خنده: April 2006

Friday, April 28, 2006



Interview with GodI dreamed i had an interview with God" So you would like to interview with me?" God asked."If you have the time" i saidGod smiled:"My time is eternity...................what questions do you have in mind for me?""What surprises you most about mankind?"God answerd:"That they get tired with childhood, they rush to grow up,and then long to be children again.""And they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health.""That by thinking anxiously about the future.they forget the present.such that they live in neither the present nor the future.""That they live as if they will never die. and die as thought they have never lived."God`s hands took mineAnd we were silent for a while.And then i asked:"As a parentwhat are some of the life`s lessons you want your children to learn?""To learn they can not make anyone love them."God said"All they can do is let themselves be loved.""To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.""To learn that is only takes a few secounds to open profound wounds in their heart that we love and it can take many years to health them.""Tto learn that a rich person is not the one who has the mostbut is one who needs the least.""To learn that there are people who love them;but simply do not yet know how to expreas or shoe their feelings.""To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.""To learn that it is not enought that they forgive one anothersbut they must also forgive themselves.""Thank you for your time." i said humbly."Is there anything else you`d like your children to know?"God smiled and said:"Just know that i`m here always."

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


khanevaadeye shamdaani...

...manzooram goldoonaye shamdaani bood!!

salam!yekam vaghtam baaz shod goftam yekhorde be injaa beresam!!:D
1.shomaa in khararo mibini hesse kharsavaari behetoon dast nemide??;) e weblogg ro har baar ye chize ghashang peydaa konam avaz mikonam:P
3. ... yadam nist dige baghiyasho..:D

taa ye khandeye dige...felan

Monday, April 24, 2006


LoVe Is LiGhT

Monday, April 17, 2006


يک خنده ئ ساده

در 6 ماه گذشته شايد بدترين دوران زندگيم رو گذروندم. وقتم رو کشتم و به هيچ جا نرسيدم...شايد خيلي از کارهايي که کردم به خاطر موقعيت پيش اومده بود. فکرهايي که مي كردم و عکس العمل هايي که نشون مي دادم; به بعضيها بروز مي دادم و بعضيها اصلاً نميفهميدن که چي ميگذره و شايد هم هنوز نميدونن...اما ديگه بسه!!! تو دو هفته ئ گذشته فکر کردم, به زندگيم, اطرفييانم, چي مي خوام باشم و چطوري مي خوام زندگي کنم!!!يه دفعه که خيلي عصبي بودم و توي يه پارک نشسته بودم به يکي گفتم که کاش رانندگي بلد بودم و تويه همچين موقعي تا ميخواستم گاز ميدادم!! ولي اون گفت که هر حرکتي آخرش ترمزه!! اومدم بهانه بيارم و بگم که ميتوني گاز ندي و کم کم وايسونيش; ولي باز گفت که اگه ترمز دستي رو نکشي دوباره تو سرپاييني مي افته و ميره!!!مهم اينه که چطوري اين راه رو اومدي...پس يه کاري کن که راه طي شده به بهترين طرز ممکن طي شده باشه!!!به خودم گفتم اگه همين الان, همينجا ترمز دستيرو بکشم همه چي از اول شروع ميشه...شايد دوباره استارت زدن و شروع کردن خيلي تلاش و زحمت بخواد اما نه فقط براي خودم, بلکه اين رو براي آدمهات دور و برم, اونهايي که دوستم دارن, برام زحمت ميکشن و فداکاري ميکنن ميخوام و اين کار رو ميکنم پس همه ي فکرهاي ناهنجار پر...اينجا شرط اول زندگي خنده ست!!!اينجا فقط مرغ سپيد, بر شاخسار سپيدارهاي اميد مينشيند و فقط جويبار اشک برائ شکستن سدهاي درنگ جاري ميکند...و همانا آن منم

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